Friday 1 November 2013

Pet Registration And Dog Welfare

According to the official law, there are several good reasons  to register your pet. Firstly, the pet registration shows that the pet is properly  vaccinated and the pet is not homeless. Also, it is required by law to get your pet registered. Also, the pet registration helps in reuniting the lost pets with the  pets. Not only this, pet registration is important for the benefit of the pet owner.

Now, you may ask why there is need to get your pets registered? You are in fact raising the value of your pet as the owners of the registered pets. Our pets are the valuable part of our life and if registered,  the pet and you as the owner will be permanently be recorded as the breed's history. There is one more advantage of the registered pet as they can participate in the competitions and events.

Your generally get registered at the age of three months.  With the increase in the innovation and technology, various permanent marks are available for your pet also. Microchip is an example that  is usually inserted in pet's body and can be found out whenever required.  It is also important for your dog to put on a collar with ID tag. The pet registration provides a valid ID proof of owner with proof of address, passport photo of a dog, and upto date vaccination of a dog.

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